Rabbi’s Weekly Message

Dear Temple Sinai Members and Friends,

Amidst the turbulent times in Israel, we are going to be celebrating this Shabbat, Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel Independence Day. I don’t know whether these are the best of times, or the worst of times. The State of Israel, since the day of its independence 76 years ago, has rarely had an easy time.

In my sermon Friday night, I will be reflecting on the current situation in the Middle East. I will also be welcoming any of you who wishes to attend a State of Israel schmooze on Monday morning at 10 am in my office. It will be a time when we can just let it out regarding our opinions, thoughts, and hopes for Israel during these difficult times, respectfully, of course.

Erev Shabbat also happens to be our Temple’s Sisterhood Shabbat. The Sisterhood has prepared a beautiful and inspiring service that includes a celebration of the work the women of our Temple do for Sinai. It will also  include a celebration of the State of Israel, by remembering the important women of the State who have contributed so very much to its existence.

After this Shabbat’s celebration of Israel and our Sisterhood, the Temple on the next few Friday nights will be having a relatively quiet time regarding themes. You need to keep in mind, however, that we are always looking forward to the next celebration which, of course, is Shavuot on Tuesday night June 11th.

Aside from the celebration of Shavuot, we will also be dedicating the two magnificent and inspiring bronze statues “Hope” and “Happy Time” donated by the Rudolph family. The Rudolph family will be present, and we will be marking this occasion with prayers, songs and words of gratitude to all those who made these wonderful works of art a part of our Temple Sinai landscape.

Shabbat shalom and let us pray every day for peace in Israel and the freeing of the hostages.

Your Rabbi Steve