
We’re building new traditions on the shoulders of the old ones.  Experience them with us!  Call our Office to visit


There IS a difference among temples. To begin with, our congregation welcomes each new visitor and makes all who enter our Temple feel like family.

We are an inclusive congregational family, welcoming everyone who desires a positive, spiritual and dynamic Reform Jewish experience. We believe that our congregational family is strong due to the fact that we attract members from a broad spectrum of interesting, energetic people. We are rich and not so rich, young and not so young, married, single, Jewish and non-Jewish, straight or gay, professionals, entrepreneurs, workers and homemakers sharing common religious ideals.

Temple Sinai of Palm Beach County is the only Reform Temple in Delray Beach: the gateway to Downtown Delray.

You will find our congregation, which is a center for Jewish life and learning, warm and welcoming. Temple Sinai provides an outstanding adult education program, Religious School, social events, regular weekly and holiday services, and much more.

If you’re searching for a spirited progressive community, a more spiritual connection to God, brand new approaches to lifelong Jewish learning for people of all ages, and want to take part in figuring out how we can change the world, please join the Rabbi and our multi-generational family for Shabbat services.

Join theDues for Life Program” which has affordable options each with 3 years to pay. This program will help the Temple build a reserve and freeze or eliminate your Dues obligation.  Call the Temple office at 276-6161 for additional information.


Associate Membership

Are you a snow bird that spends the winter in Florida and belongs to a URJ Reform Temple up north? You don’t need High Holy Day Tickets from Temple Sinai since you get them from your northern Temple. You know the value of affiliation for when you are in Florida. Associate membership is for you. It’s only $605.00 and you can belong. Call Membership at 561-276-6161 extension 124 for more information or email to