Our Clergy

Our Rabbi

Rabbi Dr. Steven Moss serves as Rabbi to Temple Sinai of Palm Beach County located in Delray Beach Florida. He served B’nai Israel Reform Temple in Oakdale, Long Island, NY as its Rabbi for 47 years and was honored as Emeritus. 
He is chaplain to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department. Rabbi Moss also visits the residents in Harbour’s Edge retirement home in Delray Beach.  He served as chair to the Suffolk County’s Human Rights Commission from 1992-2019 and was founder and co-chair of the Suffolk County Anti-Bias Task Force. He was also founder and Director of STOPBIAS, the only educational program for hate crimes offenders in the county.
He proudly served the Suffolk County Police Department as chaplain from 1986 to 2019 and holds the rank of Chief Chaplain Emeritus. Rabbi Moss enjoys cycling and travelling. He is a student of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) and
has taught numerous programs on Kabbalah and meditation.
He is the recipient of numerous awards including Chaplain of the Year and Rabbi of the Year from the New York Board of Rabbis, as well as recognition from the Police Department, the Suffolk County Executive’s office and the District Attorney’s office. He recently published “God is With Me; I Have No Fear”, “A Poetical Journey Through Sefirat HaOmer” and “Jewish Wisdom for Living and Dying”. He has also written numerous articles for JewishSacredAging.com and the Foundation of Thanatology.

Our Cantor

Student Cantor Daniel Geigerman is a passionate and experienced musical educator and spiritual leader who hails from St. Louis, Missouri. He earned a B.A. in Music at Webster University and later received his Master of Sacred Music from the Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in 2020. Currently, he is pursuing ordination at the Academy for Jewish Religion in Yonkers, NY, where he serves on the Student Board as Cantorial Liaison.

His dedication to both traditional and modern Reform Jewish liturgical music is evident in his musical choices and emphasis on congregational participation during services. His unique ability to unite voices in harmony, coupled with insightful commentary, resonates with his personal belief: “music is the expression of the soul.” 

His commitment to religious school teaching is central to his diverse range of skills, where he emphasizes engaging and dynamic instruction. In addition to educating children, he also brings his passion for music to his work in directing the Shabbat and High Holy Day choirs, harmonizing voices, and enhancing the worship experience. Furthermore, his specialization in interactive divrei Torah adds depth to his teachings and fosters a meaningful connection with Jewish principles. His keen interest in studying and teaching Talmud at multiple skill levels reflects his profound love for Jewish learning and tradition.

Having served various synagogues and camps across North America, his experience extends from the Midwest to the coasts, including positions in cities such as Malibu, New York City, Hilton Head, and Ottawa, Canada. His every effort is to enriche Jewish life and worship with a focus on the practical applications of Jewish teachings.