Bar & Bat Mitzvah

At Temple Sinai we look at each and every student preparing for becoming bar or bat mitzvah as a unique individual. Both the program of study and the religious ceremony itself are tailored by our Religious School staff, Rabbi, and Cantorial Soloist to highlight each student’s unique gifts. As a matter of policy, each student who becomes a bar or bat mitzvah at Temple Sinai is the sole honoree on that important occasion. We view this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for your son or daughter, and your entire family, to honor this important milestone in the Jewish lifecycle.

Our program strives to develop in our students a solid Jewish identity, the desire to pursue life long learning, and perform acts of loving kindness as they work toward tikkun olam (repairing the world). As our students are called up to the Torah they demonstrate the development of their public speaking and leadership skills.