Rabbi’s Weekly Message

Dear Temple Sinai Members and Friends,

          I cannot wait for this Shabbat to come. I am actually excited about my sermon this coming Friday night as I will analyze one of the most perplexing, frustrating, and disturbing of all the biblical personalities, Pinchas son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the High Priest. You can find his story beginning in the book of Numbers chapter 25. If you have time during this week (and, of course, assuming you have a bible, Chumash, or Torah or just go on-line) and read about him. What is your reaction to what he did? Do you think he was worthy to receive the Covenant of Peace from God? You might even ask yourself, what was the Covenant of Peace? These are questions I found myself asking as I prepared this week’s Shabbat teaching.

          There are a number of exciting events coming up during the next few weeks, so please be sure to read the entire events calendar. I am receiving names of those of you who are interested in becoming an adult Bar or Bat Mitzvah. You don’t have to know even one letter of Hebrew, but I guarantee that at the end of the year you will be reading from the Torah. My wife Judy will be the teacher to get the class started in learning the Alphabet before I take over and prepare the group for prayer book and Torah Hebrew. Please let me know if you want to become a student in the class which will begin sometime in late October.

          Please be safe wherever you go and whatever you are doing. Remember, if you are going out of town, you can always watch our services either live or on demand on our YouTube channel, Temple Sinai PBC.

          Shabbat shalom,

          Rabbi Steve