Rabbi’s Weekly Message

Dear Temple Sinai Members and friends,

This past weekend was absolutely amazing!!! 

If you were able to attend either Friday night’s Shabbat service and/or Saturday night’s teaching by Dr. Daniel Matt, you know what I am talking about. On Erev Shabbat, the D’var Torah was given by Rabbi Marci Bloch, Director of Jewish Community Outreach for Trustbridge Hospice.  She taught about the beautiful tradition of writing and giving an Ethical Will to one’s children, echoing the dramatic moment at the end of Genesis when Jacob, before his death. offers his words of both instruction and blessing to his 12 sons.  It was especially moving to hear her share words from her mom’s Ethical Will. Rabbi Bloch has offered to teach a session on writing Ethical Wills, and I hope to arrange this for the spring.

On Saturday night, the preeminent scholar in the world on the Zohar and its translation, Dr. Daniel Matt, came to Temple Sinai and shared a teaching on this most amazing and at times enigmatic text from the 14th century. Before his presentation, he met with members of my Shabbat morning Zohar class. He later told me how impressed he was that such a class was held at the Temple and also impressed by the questions asked of him. Over 70 people came out for this evening with very short notice. He was also impressed by this turn-out, and I was so proud of the congregation and its deep interest in study.

This Thursday is the next to last class on Maimonides’ 13 Principles of Faith. This week the class will look at Principle 12 on the Mashiach, Messiah, and next week the topic will be Resurrection of the Dead (with a discussion of Reincarnation as a bonus). If these particular topics interest you, please feel free to join the class which is held on Thursday afternoon at 3 pm. You can come in person, or email AdultEdpbc@gmail.com and ask for the Zoom link to join remotely at 3 p.m., or to receive the link to the YouTube recording of the class to watch on demand.

On Shabbat, as we begin the second book of Exodus, Shemot, I will give a brief re-cap of Genesis and then present my theory that explains the linear nature of Judaism as witnessed by our people’s story and belief in God’s involvement in our history. We are, as Jews, heading toward an end point. The question is what is it and when might it come? Come and find out the answers, maybe! This teaching will very much involve the Jewish belief in the Messiah.

I pray that all have a good and safe week. I pray that all who live on the West Coast, suffering from these horrible fires, be safe. May we see those fires contained soon. Amen.