Here’s What’s Happening at Temple Sinai
• Do not miss this Friday night’s Brotherhood Doo Wop service! Prayers will be set to Doo Wop tunes that many of us remember. Brought to us by Temple Sinai member, Michael Porter. You will be encouraged to sing along with the Fabulous Temple Sinai Choir, Temple Sinai’s very own “Boy Band” (including Rabbi Steve) and of course, Cantor Dan. Services begin at 7:30 p.m.
• February Anniversary? If you weren’t already coming for the Doo Wop service, come for a blessing under the chuppah this Friday night!
• This Saturday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. support the Scouts’ Spaghetti Dinner at Temple Sinai. The parents and Scouts of Troop 308 have been our partners for several years, volunteering when we need them. Eat in and meet the Scouts and their parents, or drive up and take home a meal of delicious spaghetti, salad, bread, and dessert for only $10 per person!
• Rabbi Steve’s Birthday is Friday, March 7th. We’ll celebrate at the Oneg that night with a cake. Purchase a symbolic candle on Rabbi’s cake for $18 by Monday, March 3rd. Show your appreciation for his caring, energy and humor and all the love he shows us, and to support Temple Sinai as well. Call the office Monday through Friday at 561-276-6161 Ext 112 to purchase a candle over the phone or use the forms that will be available.
• February 24th – If you have not returned your RSVP’s to our “Share the Magic” ExtravaGala & Auction, please do so by this date. if you did not receive an invitation, but would like to come, we’d love to have you! Go to to sign up or call the Temple office and provide your email. We would love to send you an invitation.
• A benefit of membership…Thursday, Feb. 27th at 7 p.m. Free Movie Night for Temple members only, showing the movie “Dough.” Enjoy coffee, goodies and schmoozing after the movie.
• Friday, February 28th and Saturday, March 1st, We hope you will come to Erev Shabbat and Shabbat Morning services to meet Cantor Kate Judd, who will be sharing the bima with Rabbi Steve.
MANY Important Upcoming dates in March and April
• Friday, March 7th, Rabbi Steve’s Birthday! Add a candle to his cake. Flyers available in our lobby or go to
• Saturday evening, March 8th “Share the Magic” ExtravaGala & Auction honoring Temple Sinai members, Stephen Young, Stanley & Joan Rieger and Millicent Rudolph and featuring entertainment by mentalist, Alan Chamo. Go to
• Saturday evening, March 15 Purim Shpiel, Pizza and Hamantaschen, details to follow soon.
• Sunday, March 16th at 3 p.m. Sundays at Sinai presents “Jewish Gangsters in America” with Helene Herman…a look into the darker side of the immigrant experience. Flyers are available in our lobby.
• Sunday morning, March 23rd at 10 a.m. Brotherhood’s Bingo Brunch, flyers available in lobby or at
• Thursday, March 27 at 3 p.m. Rabbi Steve’s Class on “The Jewish Worship Service”
• Sunday, March 30 Sisterhood’s Women’s Seder, details to follow.
• Thursday, April 3rd Rabbi Steve’s class on “The Haggadah”
• Saturday, April 5th at 6 p.m. Havdeli (Havdalah service, deli sandwiches and trimmings, entertainer to be selected) Flyers available in lobby.
• Sunday, April 6th from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. Anti-Bias Coalition (ABC) of Delray Beach presents a panel discussion including experts on the elderly, those with mental health issues and children and bullying. Details to follow.
• Saturday evening, April 12th Temple Sinai’s First Night Passover Seder. Details to follow.
• Sunday morning, April 13th at 10:30 Passover morning festival service
• Saturday morning, April 19th at 10:30 Last day of Passover service with Yizkor
• Special pricing on Leaves on the Tree of Life, a lasting tribute. Buy one leaf for $72 or three leaves for $200! Each leaf can accommodate up to five lines of text. Get a form in our lobby to create your personal message(s).
• Gold, silver, coins or watches to sell? Make an appointment for an appraisal with our member, Todd Rosenblatt. You could walk away with cash and Temple Sinai gets a 10% commission above and beyond that amount. Call 561-276-6161 Ext 128 to schedule an appointment.