what’s happening

Don’t miss the Fabulous Temple Sinai Choir this Friday night!

•   Volunteer Opportunity!  We need Ushers for High Holy Days.  Come to the High Holy Days Ushers Meeting this Sunday, September 15th at 10 a.m. and learn what’s involved.  Please email  usherpbc@gmail.com  to rsvp for the meeting or to express your interest.

•   Temple Sinai Sisterhood makes it easy to wish your friends a sweet New Year with apples, honey and a holiday greeting. Get the order form in our lobby or go to TempleSinaipbc.net. Orders must be submitted by September 15th.

•   Temple Sinai members, if you have requested High Holy Day tickets, your tickets will be available for pickup starting Monday, September 16th.  If you have not yet requested tickets, please turn in your forms this week!

•   Book of Remembrance will be closing tomorrow, Friday, September 13th. For questions, please leave a voicemail for Helene Wartel at 561-276-6161 Ext. #125.

•   If you are not yet a Temple Sinai member, but would like to attend our High Holy Day services, we are offering a membership special which includes High Holy Day tickets. Or you can purchase tickets for High Holy Day Services. Volunteers are happy to help you in our lobby Sunday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

•   Our traditional Erev Rosh Hashanah Dinner, catered by Diamond Caterers, is the perfect way to begin your High Holy Day experience.  Enjoy the meal and then walk right into the sanctuary.  Reservations must be received by September 20th.  Get the flyer in our lobby or go to TempleSinaipbc.net.

•   A special Havdeli, Saturday, September 21st at 6 p.m. Deli and all the trimmings,

Havdalah Service and something new…Trivia Games! Followed by desserts! You must RSVP by Wednesday, September 18th.  Get the flyer in our lobby or go to TempleSinaipbc.net. 

•   Join us for “Reverse Taschlich” with the BeachKeepers.  This is a Beach Clean-Up to help repair our World in preparation for High Holy Days.  Sunday, September 29th from 3:30 to 5:30 at the Delray Beach Pavilion.  RSVP by September 25th to 561-276-6161 Ext 205.  See the flyer with details at TempleSinaipbc.net.

•   Break the Fast with your Temple friends and family with a scrumptious buffet following concluding services on Saturday, October 12th.  RSVP  by October 6th. Flyers are in our lobby or at TempleSinaipbc.net.

•   Temple Sinai is having a Super Garage Sale on Sunday morning, October 20th.  Got stuff to donate?  Bring it to the Temple so it can help us raise needed funds.   Or buy a spot in the parking lot, sell your own items and keep the money.  Volunteers are needed to help us sell on the day of the sale.  Questions?  Call 561-276-6161 x125. Speak to Mark Breitbart or Helene Wartel. 

•   We are still collecting Bits ‘n’ Pieces of jewelry (single earrings, broken chains, small pieces of gold or silver) for our Holocaust Torah Restoration Project.   Bring your small items in a baggie or envelope on Friday nights or during Temple office hours. Thank you, they are adding up!